Vi ser på hverandre.
Livet, realiteten, er uten spesialeffekter - jeg ser ikke, jeg bare føler, bølgene av følelser som krysser hverandre.
Jeg rekker likevel tenke: Øynene har i mange kulturer blitt ansett som vinduer til sjelen, og herrejesus i himmelen: Vinduet mitt står åpent, hengslene er av, hemningene er så vidt der enda, og når denne hendelsen er over..
var det kanskje ikke bare et sekund; Var det to?
..later jeg som ingenting.
Stille gleder jeg meg allerede til neste gang.
I look at you, and you look back at me.
We're gazing into each others eyes.
Life, reality, is without special effects; No VFX, or added contrast - I don't see, only feel, the waves of emotion crossing between us.
And i think: Eyes has in many cultures through history been considered to be window into the human soul, vision being the primary of senses, and the mind, thoughts, right behind it. Is my window not now unhinged, the glass shattered, the content pouring out, and my every thought visible to this person looking straight into me?
When you again look away ...
was it a second? Was it a year?
... I stop holding my breath, pretend casual; And with my silenced cheer is already longing for it to happen again.
We're gazing into each others eyes.
Life, reality, is without special effects; No VFX, or added contrast - I don't see, only feel, the waves of emotion crossing between us.
And i think: Eyes has in many cultures through history been considered to be window into the human soul, vision being the primary of senses, and the mind, thoughts, right behind it. Is my window not now unhinged, the glass shattered, the content pouring out, and my every thought visible to this person looking straight into me?
When you again look away ...
was it a second? Was it a year?
... I stop holding my breath, pretend casual; And with my silenced cheer is already longing for it to happen again.